About the Author

Pamela Romney Openshaw

I found my passion for the Constitution and developed a yearning for the politics of good, moral government serving as an elected delegate from Nebraska to President Carter’s 1980 White House Conference on Families.

I saw then, with fascination, how political forces can distort procedures and policies so they appear to represent the will of the American people. It became obvious to me that powerful forces for both good and evil operate in the hearts of those who lead.

My love of country, family, and life itself led me to do public speaking for the Right to Life movement and into a private study of the morality of public policy. It has been a fascinating journey-one that has left me concerned, yet hopeful, for the future of my country. I remain optimistic about the strength, integrity, and willingness to act of my fellow Americans in the conservative Christian cause.

My great desire is to plant a love of liberty, and the document that enshrined it, in the hearts of all Americans-to help them understand The Promises of the Constitution: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow.

To book Pamela Romney Openshaw as a speaker for your group, call 801-373-0240 or email .

Your Family - Your Responsibility

Our Freedom & the Future of Our Country are in Your Hands

What has happened to our Constitution? The document that gave us the greatest prosperity in the modern world has been twisted and ignored into a shadow of its former greatness. Promises of the Constitution offers a fascinating journey through America’s formation at God’s hand, through the Constitution, itself, and through the caustic changes that have stripped our freedom and prosperity.

Can we fix our Constitution? We can! Promises of the Constitution tells us how and gives a message of hope for America.

Promises of the Constitution makes it easy to understand our national greatness and teach it to our families. This is the perfect book for families to read together.

Promises of the Constitution is written in clear, enjoyable 1 1/2 page sections, each easily read in 3-5 minutes.

It tells the history, Founders, principles, enemies, and restoration of our inspired Constitution in 132 concise, powerful vignettes.

What Keeps us Together

Bob & Pam Openshaw's 50th Wedding Anniversary

Using an original song by granddaughters Libby Pay and Sarah Moore.

Pamela & Bob - Children & Grandchildren